multifocal lenses v/s monofocal lenses

Multifocal Lenses Vs. Monofocal Lenses: Pros and Cons

During your cataract surgery evaluation, it is important to think about the kind of lens implant you would like. With so many distinct intraocular lens (IOL) options, it’s important to think about how you normally go about your day before making a final decision.

Multifocal lenses correct near, intermediate, and farsightedness, in contrast to monofocal lenses that only concentrate on one distance. For people who wish to use their spectacles less frequently, these are a better bet.

We have compiled this brief guide to assist you in making an educated selection regarding an intraocular lens, since the benefits and drawbacks of each type vary according upon your refractive status.

Comparing Multifocal and Monofocal Lenses: Advantages and Disadvantages

One typical type of lens that can improve vision at a single distance is the monofocal lens. This lens type may be most useful for patients who suffer from nearsightedness or farsightedness. You might not even have to pay for your monofocal lenses out of pocket because most insurance plans cover them. Conversely, multifocal lenses provide sharp vision both far and close. Although your insurance might not cover the whole cost of this specialist lens, it will give you greater freedom of vision.

Multifocal, monofocal, and trifocal lenses are among the many alternatives available after cataract surgery. In order to choose the right lens for you, you and your eye doctor will have to take your daily routine into serious consideration.

Multifocal Lenses

These lenses have three different focusing modes: far, midrange, and close. To focus images from different distances on the retina, most of these lenses contain concentric rings engraved into the surface. Consequently, it takes a bit more time for people to become used to them. This lens type offers a different kind of focusing strength than what most individuals used to have when they were younger. Consequently, the brain has to adjust to this different way of focusing.

One major benefit of multifocal lenses is that almost all patients report a complete elimination of the need for corrective lenses in their daily lives.

Those who spend all day staring at a screen may benefit most from multifocal lens cataract surgery, which corrects vision for both far and close ranges.

A small percentage of patients may have halo or glare when wearing multifocal lenses at night, however the majority of these patients are able to adapt to this. Small percentage of patients (about 5%) may need a lower magnification setting for reading small types (e.g., on medicine bottles) or in poor light.

Also Read: Eye Pain When Blinking: Causes & Treatment 

Monofocal Lenses

When it comes to intraocular lenses, multifocal lenses compensate for all distances, including distance alone, while monofocal lenses only correct for one distance, like distance alone. In addition, it possesses both far- and near-sightedness. In spite of the fact that multifocal lenses have exploded in popularity over the past decade or two, monofocal lenses are still the gold standard for correcting vision following cataract surgery.

The top ophthalmologist in Ghatkopar, Mumbai suggests that a toric or improved monofocal lens could be a better option than a regular monofocal lens for people with astigmatism.

Even with corrective lenses, you might discover that your night vision is better than it would have been with multifocal lenses if you had opted for them before surgery.

One major drawback of Monofocal lenses is that the patient will still need reading glasses if you want better distance vision. You might have to wear distance glasses for activities like driving if you’ve decided to correct your nearsightedness. The opposite is also true.


When it comes to cataract surgery in Mumbai, Deevine Eye Care & Multispeciality Centre, has the greatest ophthalmologists on staff. They are all highly qualified and have years of expertise employing modern techniques. Patients and their loved ones can unwind in our warm and welcoming space. Patients are free to go about their daily lives as usual following the cataract treatment.