eyes during pregnancy

The Key Tips for Taking Care of Your Eyes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing phase of a woman’s life, a time when so many drastic changes happen within the body, like minor changes in vision. Eye care during pregnancy is important, as it can directly influence your eye health. This blog discusses ways to keep your eyes happy and healthy.

Why is Eye Care Important During Pregnancy?

The hormonal and other changes brought about by pregnancy can bring about some changes in your vision. Some conditions of pregnancy, including gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, which you may develop, affect vision. Eye checkups could offer early identification of any conditions.

Essential and Relevant Tips on Eye Care for Pregnant Women

Get thorough eye exams before and during pregnancy. Be sure to inform your eye care provider that you are pregnant so you can get the appropriate care.

Be aware that your vision may start to change. You may not feel as sharp or your vision may be blurred or double. Let your eye doctor check for any changes in vision right away. Your eyes may be dry due to the high levels of pregnancy hormones. Use artificial tears to soothe the burning, as your eye doctor has told you.

Also Read: What is the Importance of Regular Eye Checkups?

Photosensitivity is another problem women face during pregnancy; it is therefore necessary that you protect your eyes from UV rays during pregnancy.

Keep your diet in check during pregnancy, as a healthy and balanced diet helps your eyes stay healthy. Keeping yourself hydrated is another important point to take care of while you are pregnant, as dehydration and vision are correlated. In the presence of gestational diabetes, blood glucose levels should be checked on a regular basis, as an imbalance in the blood glucose level may affect the vision in the eyes.


Every woman faces many changes in her body during pregnancy. By keeping all the above-mentioned points in mind, you can keep your vision perfect. Get in touch with the best eye surgeon in Ghatkopar right away, if you are pregnant and notice some changes in your vision.