Author: Dr. Devanshi Shah

Early Detection of Glaucoma

Despite glaucoma’s status as a major cause of blindness, the idea that many individuals may be unaware they have the disease is frightening. Nearly 50% of glaucoma patients are unaware they have the condition. Reason being, early stages of glaucoma usually do not manifest with symptoms. Why It’s Critical to Identify Glaucoma Early? Elevated intraocular […]

Facts About Lasik Eye Surgery in India!

When it comes to healthcare, the onus is on specialists and doctors to give the public the facts about a disease and the treatment options available for it. Understanding the lasik surgery facts can help individuals make informed decisions about vision correction and its long-term benefits. 9 Must-Know Facts About Lasik Eye Surgery in India […]

All you need to know about Sclerotherapy

Under-eye bags and dark circles are a major concern for everyone. Although our experts at Deevine Eye Care & Multispecialty Centre can assist you with those, we also focus on periorbital veins, which are a different type of under-eye discomfort. Veins beneath the eyes, known as periorbital veins, can be blue in color and bulge […]

Best Entropion Treatment in Mumbai

A speck of irritant in or around your eye will undoubtedly cause you to respond in some way; this demonstrates how sensitive the eyes are. This becomes even more troublesome when you have something that permanently irritates your eyes. Such circumstances will necessitate treatment, and this brings us to the topic of this blog about […]

Eyelid Laceration Treatment in India

The eyelids serve a vital purpose in shielding the eyes, which are revered as portals to the soul. Eyelid trauma is unfortunately rather prevalent and can cause a wide range of symptoms, problems, and even permanent damage. Thankfully, there are a number of top-notch eyelid trauma treatment centers, like Deevine Eye Care & Multispeciality Best […]